Who is God anyway?

Season #4

Some trust in chariots and some trust in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord. Psalm 20:7

What does the name of the Lord say about who God is?

"god" is a title for spiritual being like president is a title for who leads our country but may not be specific

So what is God’s name really? Exodus 34:6 'The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord , the Lord , compassionate and gracious slow to anger, and abounding in loving kindness and truth, '

For the first time recorded in Scripture, God is revealing His name to Moses. He says, The Lord, the Lord When LORD is all caps, it is referring to the proper name of Yahweh I be that I be or I am that I am

John 8:58 Before Abraham was born, I am Jesus was reminding them of His name

After God reveals His personal name, what word does He use first to describe himself?

Compassionate = a feeling word, like a mom feels about her new born baby Usually a deep love through a bond and from a superior to an inferior Before you have ever done anything, God feels a deep love for you. Is it hard for you to believe this? If so, why?

Gracious = an action word God not only feels love for you but has acted on that love The verb ḥānan depicts a heartfelt response by someone who has something to give to one who has a need Edwin Yamauchi, “694 חָנַן,” ed. R. Laird Harris, Gleason L. Archer Jr., and Bruce K. Waltke, Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (Chicago: Moody Press, 1999), 302.

God’s feelings towards us compel Him to act and respond.

Have you seen or experienced God moving on your behalf? Don’t just think big acts. Has he sent someone to you at the right moment? Has He placed you in a job, neighborhood or community that has been helpful?

God keeps His covenant even if we don’t keep our end of the bargain God does not change who is based on our response or lack of trust

Slow to anger = long of nostrils to delay, long fuse How does remembering that God has a long fuse help you? Are you quick to get angry? Do you tend to think that God responds the same way you respond?

What we think about God becomes the god we think about

Are your thoughts about who God is, based on who God is He is in His Word?

Abounding = multitude or tens of thousands What does it say that God abounds in? Steadfast love and faithfulness

Steadfast love = covenant keeper, God is love

Faithfulness = certainty Do you have certainty in God? Do you really believe He is who He says He is and He can do what He says He can do

Three Questions to Ask Yourself about Trusting God

1. Where is God asking you to wait?

I would pray about something for a day or maybe even a week but if nothing changed then I thought God was not trustworthy The problem is that I thought God was supposed to work on my timing I esteem speed. I drive a fast car, I like to take short cuts, I like to listen to podcasts, books on 2x speed But God is unlike me One day when out on a run, I was frustrated with myself of not improving my mile time. God said, I do not esteem speed, I am a god of perfect timing. Remember God is unbelievably patient even when we are not

2. Where is God asking you to worry less?

Some of us think we are praying but really we are just sending our worries and anxious thoughts to God Praying is different than sending your worries to God I am so worried about Joshua’s safety - you hear me God? Then go about my day is not praying about it Praying about my anxiety is more like: God I am afraid for Joshua’s safety but I know that only you can protect him. God I entrust Joshua to you and even if something bad happens to him, You will be with me according to Your Word Phil 4:6 trade your anxiety for prayer then you receive the peace that surpasses all understanding

3. Where is God asking you to worship more?

When are you inclined to worship God? Only in the moments when you see how everything is working out? This is not what Scripture teaches us. We are told to worship God always Revelation 4:11 Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power; You created all things, and because of Your will they exist and were created and brought into being. AMP We must choose worship over worry. When we trade our worship for worry, it reorients our heart toward Him Being able to recognize obstacles helped me avoid them but I still struggled with the practical of trusting God with all of my heart and then taking control.

. Psalm 37:5-6 Trust in the Lord and He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn and the justice of your cause like the noon day sun P

lace your trust in the Lord one step at a time and take your discouragement straight to Him Savor Moment


Make Elizabeth's Dish and meditate on Exodus 34:6