63. Savor Short: Atonement
Atonement is because of love and justice of God
Another word heard with atonement is propitiation A sacrifice that bears God’s wrath so that God becomes favorable to us because the sacrifice (Christ) took the wrath and God's righteousness can be displayed
A sacrifice that turns away the wrath of God
Romans 3:25
Hebrews 2:17
1 John 2:2, 4:10
His atonement met our four needs:
We deserve to die for the penalty of sin
We deserve to bear God’s wrath against us
We are separated from God by our sin
We are in bondage to sin and satan’s kingdom
Christ met these need through:
Sacrifice: Hebrews 9:26
Propitiation: removed us from His wrath
Reconciliation: to overcome our separation from God
Redeemed from bondage of sin, transferred from Kingdom of darkness to Kingdom of Light (Col 1:13)