60. Party Like the OT Part 2

Season #3

Pull up a chair to the table as Staci and Suzanne continue to discuss the Feasts of the Old Testament. They cover the last 4 feasts discussed in Lev. 23. Welcome to the table.


  • The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost)

Seven times seven and one day after Passover

Duration: one day

Restrictions: no work

  • Trumpets

First day of the seventh month

Duration: one day

Restrictions: no work

  • Day of Atonement  some believe this is a day of fasting and reflection on our need for a Savior

Lev 16:29

Hebrews 9

Lev. 23:27 It shall be for you a time of holy convocation and you shall afflict yourself.

Tenth day of the seventh month

Duration: one day

Restrictions: no work

  • Feast of Booths / Tabernacles Sukkot

Middle of the seventh month (7/15-7/21)

Duration: seven days

Restrictions: no work on the first and seventh days

(Numbers 5-7

Numbers 5-7

( commonly known as "The Days of Awe")


Savor Moment:
