Where do I Begin? | Episode 2

Season #1 Episode #2

In this episode, Staci and Suzanne share how they began their journey savoring God. They identify some obstacles that prevent women from starting their journey and discuss how to detox from the lies of culture and self.

Scriptures for Further Study:

Exodus 33-34

Exodus 3:19

Psalm 34

Psalm 34:8

1 Samuel 22:2

God is our High Priest: Hebrews 2:17, 3:1 , 4:14-15, 5:10, 6:20, 7:26-27, 8:1

2 Peter 1:14 

Luke 5

John 10:10

Reflective Questions:

Where are you feeling dissatisfied? What is leading to these feelings? Is there any deception wrapped up in these feelings?

Where are you feeling discontent? Why are you feeling that way? Have you asked God to help you be content in every circumstance? Where might you need a perspective change?

In what area of your life is your “spiritual bank account” in the red? Are you spending time in God’s Word, in prayer, in worship, in serving, in community with others?

Ask God again to give you a desire to desire His Word, His Presence, His People, His Provision

Savor moment

Ask yourself, “What do I currently believe about God’s heart?”

If you discover that you have inaccurate beliefs about God, ask yourself, “Where did I learn that?”

Romans 8:38-39

Psalm 34:5

Worship songs to pair with your Savor moment: 

You’re Welcome in this Place-Maverick City


Holy Spirit-Francesca Battistelli
