I Can Do Anything With a Verse Taken Out of Context

Season #1 Episode #10

I can do anything with a verse taken out of context

On this episode, Staci and Suzanne discuss dealing with Scripture in context.

Context is king. What does this mean and how do we understand the context?

Who is this written to?

What was happening in the community?

What type of literature is this writing?

We read the newspaper differently than a greeting card or a fiction book.

How would the audience have heard the words (cultural context)

Can we ever read a verse alone and take it at face value, or do we always have to read the entire chapter/verse to extract meaning?


Psalm 46:10 Be still and know…

The entire Psalm is short, about 11 verses and the theme of the Psalm is the power of God and His sovereign choice

The entire verse reads: Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth.

This verse is not telling us to sit and empty our mind of all thoughts.

This verse is telling us to pause and reflect on the power and authority of God…know that He will be exalted not my personal truth.

Look back to verse 1, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

This Psalm starts off with God. God is the point, not my personal exploration of “knowing” my truth. The Truth is declared in the first verse. God is my refuge. It ends with verse 11, The Lord of hosts is with us. The God of Jacob is our fortress. We need to not run into our closet and just be still and know…We need to run to our fortress, God himself and recognize that He has all power and authority.

God is our refuge and strength and that clearly means that my empty mind is not the place of refuge.

One author used this verse out of context and defined knowing as:

“Moment of Uncertainty arises.

Breathe, turn inward, sink

Feel around for the knowing.

Do the next thing it nudges you toward.

Let it stand (Don’t explain)

Repeat forever.”

The actually definition of the word “know” in this verse is:

To teach or distinguish between good and evil

Psalm 51:6 teach me in the secret heart

Behold, you delight in the truth in the inward being and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.

That is a very different understanding than feeling around for the “knowing” and turn inward and sink

Savor Moment:

Next time you feel overwhelmed then meditate on Psalm 46:10 but with the understanding that God will teach us and our job is to respond in obedience and the more we do that the more we will experience who God is