What does it mean to 'gather in His name'?

Season #1 Episode #12

What does it mean to ‘gather in His name’? Episode 12

On this final episode of this mini series, verses taken out of context, Staci and Suzanne dig into Matthew 18:15-20. They specifically dig into verses 18 and 19.

Commentary on this pericope, (section of Scripture)

A premise basic to this pericope is the importance of personal relationships between members of the community. Just as it is important not to cause any of "these little ones" to stumble, so it is important that one not impudently sin against another. Accordingly, Jesus outlines a procedure for cases where one sins in this way and displays a hard-heartedness about it. It would be a mistake to think that in similar circumstances this procedure can be applied today, primarily because excommunication or ostracism today has nowhere near the same effect as it did in the first century. That is, in Matthew's day to be cast out left one with no other options for Christian community. Today a person may simply walk down the street to the next church or next denomination. This is not to say that the church must give up on the possibility of church discipline but simply to say that the process will take on its own character appropriate to the present-day situation. It is also worth pointing out that the notion of an "isolated, individual Christian" (e.g., a "TV" Christian) was not then considered a possibility. The Christian is always to be accountable to a community. And the importance of the community receives indirect confirmation in the divinely granted authority of its leaders, in the promise of answered prayer in the administration of the church, and in the promise of the continuing presence of the risen Christ in the midst of those gathered in his name. The supreme mark of Christ's community is Christ's presence. WBC 

Additional Scriptures

Mathew 7:7 Ask  and it will be given, seek and you will find knock and it will be opened to you

Matthew 21:22 Whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith

Deuteronomy 17:6

Deuteronomy 19:1

Savor Moment:

Try this recipe or any new recipe and invite a friend over to talk about what you learned reading God’s Word.

Goat Cheese Turkey Burgers Sans bun

1.5 lbs dark ground turkey

1 tablespoon dice jarred jalapenos with juice

1 red onion

8 0z goat cheese

½ cup balsamic vinegar

Dash of salt and pepper

½ tsp of garlic powder

Combine turkey, jalapenos and the juice, salt, pepper and garlic powder.  Form into four patties.  

Dice onion and add to non stick pan with a drizzle of olive oil. Sautee for 3-4 minutes over medium heat.  Add ½ cup of balsamic vinegar and let thicken slightly.

In a separate non stick pan cook turkey burgers over medium heat until done.  Slice goat cheese. Place one slice on each patty and turn off heat. Cover with lid until goat cheese is melted.

Pour onion mixture over each burger and serve with mashed sweet potatoes.

Mashed Sweet Potatoes


***I add cooked pancetta to my mashed sweet potatoes for that extra yummy crunch.***

I will add diced pancetta to any dish that I am cooking. It makes everything better.