What in the world or (not in this world) is spiritual warfare?

Season #2 Episode #46

What in the world (or not in this world) is Spiritual Warfare?

Is Spiritual Warfare a real thing? Ephesians 6:12, 1 Peter 5:8-9, Deut 29:29 secret things to the Lord things revealed belong to us

Who is our enemy? Luke 4:13, John 8:44, 2 Corinthians 11:14

What weapons do we have? How do we beat spiritual warfare?

When we encounter the spiritual realm, how does Jesus want us to respond? Are there safeguards we can establish and ways to be prepared?

In the same way Jesus responded, with the Word of God which is called the sword of the Spirit

Battle Plan Be strong in the Lord and stand firm always praying

How to discern without assuming everything bad/hard is a spiritual attack.

Ask yourself if you have made choices that have resulted in the negative thing?

Ask yourself if you have left a foothold for the enemy? Ephesians 4:27 don’t let your anger take hold, put away falsehood

The devil is an opportunist. He left him for a more opportune time Luke 4:13

When we are tired, hungry and overstressed may all be opportune times

How do we approach a culture that glorifies and/or minimizes evil (which may invite the evil spiritual side in unknowingly)?

Resources on Spiritual Warfare

The Unseen Realm

Article on Spiritual Warfare

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Savor Moment

Think about standing firm in your faith. Pray and be ready.

Red Velvet cheesecake